Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kickin' it in

Blogs come in all kinds of types: personal, practical, common interest, travel experiences, reviews... I'll try to keep this one as diversified as possible, and see what may turn out. I hope as a result to learn more about myself, rather than others about me.That refers to personal taste,tendencies,knowledge,achievements,failures,etc.
A good way to introspection may come from retrospection, I believe..(I didn't intend that rhyme,btw ^^, )
That pretty much sums up my intro for now.


Blogger yam paste said...

you got a blog! wheeee...~ i'll link u! ;)

introspection and retrospection.. it rhymes! i love rhyming words :)

hope u update ur blog often!

3:07 PM  

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